
My Divine Gift

More than a healing story, it’s a life-changing testimony!

Available in English and Spanish!
Author Barbaro Baez Alvarez shares about the experiences of a young man who is in search for the meaning of life and his purpose. With his great desire to write a book, he aims to reveal his life and let people understand it much better. Here, he enumerates the scriptures that inspired him in the course of his journey. He shares his testimony proving that God is real and he has a plan for everyone.
This book will help you find God as he is always present in our life!





Author: Barbaro Baez Alvarez
Publisher: Xlibris US
ISBN: 1796088335
Pages: 378
Genre: Religious; Biography
Reviewed by Donna Ford

The US Review of Books

“When we die, our bodies die, but our ideas, personality, and qualities are present in the lives and hearts of the people who bonded with us…”

Born in Cuba, the author came to America at age 15, sponsored by his father. From ages 17 through 19, Alvarez experienced various stresses, some normal and others more extreme. The typical teenage desires for a married life were accompanied by rejections that made him anxious. On top of that, there were troubles in helping his mother come to America and in adjusting to his father’s new wife and family in the U.S. When Alvarez was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, he experienced difficulties while in both countries. Eventually, he was able to identify his own need for hospitalization and for help resolving imbalances due to changed medications. During his thirties, the author became engaged to and married a Columbian bride. The couple became happy parents of a daughter.

This 378-page autobiographical work is in two sections. The first records the author’s insightful and religious experiences and conclusions. While growing up, Alvarez faithfully captured his spiritual thoughts on paper and used those notes as the basis to write the beginning of this book. His entries illustrate the attempts of a young person to make sense of the complicated world his elders accept as normal. Alvarez’s insights are presented in short, well crafted, and polished paragraphs. In addition, the author includes some of his poetry.

The second section is an abbreviated memoir beginning with the author’s troubled teen years. Alvarez hopes that adding his life story may benefit readers who have limited information about mental health issues, especially dealing with a bipolar disorder diagnosis. Readers will also be glad to learn of his eventual happy marriage and fatherhood, demonstrating that people with bipolar disorder can live a normal life.

©2020 All Rights Reserved • The US Review of Books
This review was written by a professional book reviewer with no guarantee that it would receive a positive rating. Some authors pay a small fee to have a book reviewed, while others do not. All reviews are approximately half summary and half criticism. The US Review of Books is dedicated to providing fair and honest coverage to all books.



Author: Barbaro Baez Alvarez
Publisher: Xlibris US
ISBN: 1796088335
Pages: 378
Genre: Religious; Biography
Reviewed by Liz Konkel

Pacific Book Review

Barbaro Baez Alvarez pulls from the heart with an emotional foray into mental illness, faith, and life. My Divine Gift is a compilation of two books that depict his experiences as he seeks out the meaning of life and the search for a purpose through significant moments which includes moving from Cuba to the United States, being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and his relationship with God. The two books are two important aspects of his life with one being his testimony and the other being his experiences when he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

The book consists of two books with each delving into an important journey in his life which Alvarez uses to create a balance between the two. Alvarez notes instructions at the beginning to help you find exactly what you need. If you’re looking for a religious testimony start with book one and if you’re looking to learn more about mental illness start with book two. The first book explores his testimony which focuses on his relationship with God, his search for purpose, and his understanding of the meaning in life. Alvarez wears his heart on his sleeve as he shares his story in a way that feels like you’re reading his personal journal. He opens a conversation through a genuine voice that creates an easy rhythm that makes you feel safe in your own search for purpose.

Alvarez shares with a genuine honesty about the doubts he had in his relationship with God and has an openness in how he conveys the time he spent separated from God.

The second book is his biography where he details his move from Cuba to the United States which weaves into how Alvarez speaks openly about his struggles and the circumstances that led him to be diagnosed with being bipolar. He speaks with vivid sincerity with his struggles and adjusting to medication, and through this sparking a conversation about mental illness. His openness gives you a connection to him that will help you with your own struggles and will encourage you to communicate with someone in your life that’s struggling. The love he has for his life and for his family is seen through the way he speaks about them and the role that faith plays in his journey. His story aims to inspire and encourage others while showing that it’s okay to doubt and struggle. Alvarez weaves throughout book two ways to seek positivity and provides questions and goals to aid in your mental health recovery.

Alvarez furthers the personal tone of the two books by providing throughout letters that are written from him to God, and from loved ones to Alvarez. He incorporates these to show the role his loved ones played in his experiences and even shares snippets from his personal diary that takes you back with him to what he was thinking during significant moments in his search for meaning.

Alvarez delivers a journal of reflection, a testimony to inspire others in their journeys to find God, and a biography that delves into an honest struggle following a diagnosis with bipolar disorder. My Divine Gift is truly a gift as Alvarez uses his own experiences to reach out to those facing doubts in their faith, struggling with mental illness, and seeking purpose in their lives.


Autor: Barbaro Baez Alvarez
Editor: Xlibris US
ISBN: 1796088335
Páginas: 378
Género: Religioso; Biografía
Reseña escrita por Dona Ford

The US Review of Books

“Cuando morimos, nuestros cuerpos mueren, pero nuestras ideas, personalidad y cualidades están presentes en la vida y el corazón de las personas que se relacionaron con nosotros…”

Nacido en Cuba, el autor llegó a América a los 15 años, patrocinado por su padre. Desde los 17 hasta los 19 años, Alvarez experimentó varias tensiones, algunas normales y otras más extremas. Los típicos deseos adolescentes de una vida de casados estaban acompañados de rechazos que lo hacían ansioso. Además de eso, tubo problemas para ayudar a su madre a venir a Estados Unidos y en adaptarse a la nueva esposa y familia de su padre en los Estados Unidos. Cuando Alvarez fue diagnosticado con trastorno bipolar, experimentó dificultades mientras estaba en ambos países. Eventualmente, fue capaz de identificar su propia necesidad de hospitalización y de ayudar a resolver los desequilibrios debido al cambio de medicamentos. Durante los treinta años, el autor se comprometió y se casó con una novia colombiana. La pareja se convirtió en felices padres de una hija.

Este trabajo autobiográfico de 378 páginas se realiza en dos secciones. La primera registra las experiencias y conclusiones perspicaces y religiosas del autor. Mientras crecía, Alvarez capturó fielmente sus pensamientos espirituales en papel y utilizó esas notas como base para escribir el comienzo de este libro. Sus escritos ilustran los intentos de un joven de dar sentido al complicado mundo que sus mayores aceptan con normalidad. Las ideas de Alvarez se presentan en párrafos cortos, bien elaborados y pulidos. Además, el autor incluye parte de su poesía.

La segunda sección es una memoria abreviada que comienza con los problemáticos años de adolescencia del autor. Alvarez espera que agregar su historia de vida pueda beneficiar a los lectores que tienen información limitada sobre problemas de salud mental, especialmente lidiando con un diagnóstico de trastorno bipolar. Los lectores también estarán encantados de enterarse de su eventual matrimonio feliz y paternidad, demostrando que las personas con trastorno bipolar pueden llevar una vida normal.

©2020 Todos los derechos reservados• The US Review of Books
Esta reseña fue escrita por un revisor profesional de libros sin ninguna garantía de que recibiría una calificación positiva. Algunos autores pagan una pequeña cuota para que se revise un libro, mientras que otros no. Todas las críticas son aproximadamente la mitad de resumen y la mitad de la crítica. La Us Review of Books se dedica a proporcionar una cobertura justa y honesta a todos los libros.




Autor: Barbaro Baez Alvarez
Editor: Xlibris US
ISBN: 1796088335
Páginas: 378
Género: Religioso; Biografía
Reseña escrita por Liz Konkel

Pacific Book Review

Barbaro Baez Alvarez saca del corazón una incursión emocional en la enfermedad mental, la fe y la vida. Mi Don Divino es una recopilación de dos libros que describen sus experiencias mientras busca el significado de la vida y la búsqueda de un propósito a través de momentos significativos que incluyen pasar de Cuba a los Estados Unidos, ser diagnosticado con trastorno bipolar, y su relación con Dios. Los dos libros son dos aspectos importantes de su vida, siendo uno su testimonio y el otro sus experiencias cuando le diagnosticaron con el trastorno bipolar.

El libro consta de dos libros, cada uno profundizando en un importante viaje en su vida, que Alvarez utiliza para crear un equilibrio entre los dos. Alvarez da instrucciones al principio para ayudarle a encontrar exactamente lo que necesita. Si usted está buscando un testimonio religioso, comience con el libro uno y si usted está buscando en aprender más acerca de las enfermedades mentales, comience con el libro dos. El primer libro explora su testimonio que se centra en su relación con Dios, su búsqueda de propósito y su comprensión del significado en la vida. Alvarez lleva su corazón en la manga mientras comparte su historia de una manera que se siente como si estuvieras leyendo su diario personal. Abre una conversación a través de una voz genuina que crea un ritmo fácil que te hace sentir seguro en tu propia búsqueda de propósito.

Alvarez comparte con una genuina honestidad sobre las dudas que tuvo en su relación con Dios y tiene una apertura en cómo transmite el tiempo que pasó separado de Dios.

El segundo libro es su biografía donde detalla su traslado de Cuba a los Estados Unidos que muestra cómo Alvarez habla abiertamente de sus luchas y las circunstancias que lo llevaron a ser diagnosticado con el trastorno bipolar. El habla con vívida sinceridad de sus luchas y ajustándose a la medicación, y a través de esta chispa crea una conversación sobre la enfermedad mental. Su apertura te da una conexión con él que te ayudará con tus propias luchas y te animará a comunicarte con alguien en tu vida que está luchando. El amor que tiene por su vida y por su familia se ve a través de la forma en que habla de ellos y el papel que la fe desempeña en su camino. Su historia tiene como objetivo inspirar y alentar a los demás mientras demuestra que está bien dudar y luchar. Alvarez muestra a lo largo del libro dos maneras de buscar positividad y proporciona preguntas y metas para ayudar en su recuperación de salud mental.

Alvarez promueve el tono personal de los dos libros proporcionando a través de cartas que están escritas de él a Dios, y de sus seres queridos a Alvarez. Los incorpora para mostrar el papel que sus seres queridos desempeñaron en sus experiencias e incluso comparte fragmentos de su diario personal que te lleva de vuelta con él a lo que estaba pensando durante momentos significativos en su búsqueda de significado.

Alvarez ofrece un diario de reflexión, un testimonio para inspirar a los demás en sus viajes para encontrar a Dios, y una biografía que profundiza en una lucha honesta después de un diagnóstico con trastorno bipolar. Mi Don Divino es verdaderamente un regalo, ya que Alvarez utiliza sus propias experiencias para llegar a aquellos que enfrentan dudas en su fe, luchan con enfermedades mentales y buscan un propósito en sus vidas.




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